Thursday, November 8, 2007

Don't be Owned

So I was filming a filming of a music video, and the director told me not to post anything on YouTube (where I post) unless he sees it first.
Now I had already asked the Producer if I could do behind the scenes filming and was giving permission.
But this director is one of those 'Control Freaks'. You know them, they have to be the one on top of the pyramid giving permission to fart before you fart.
So I just listened without either agreeing or denying. The first would go against my principal and the latter would just lead to an argument. I figure I'll just do as I planned on doing and show the video created from this music video shoot without his permission. If he wants to sue me he can go ahead. Fuck him. He has no strings on my and I'm not going to allow him to attach any either as I can see that he would just want to pull them.
Do you have a 'control freak' in your life?
What strings have you allowed that control freak to attach to you?
In giving strings to this control freak did you get something in return of greater value? In legal terms it is called consideration.
Let me know.