Thursday, October 27, 2011

Finally Cut Comcast Cable

Well, I finally got fed up with Comcast Cable TV's high prices and cut the cable.
Though they'll never know. I told them I was moving so I wouldn't incur any additional fees.
Soon I'll be placing an Antenna in the attic for those times when I want the TV to make some noise. But other than that, I'll get what I want off of the internet. I've had cable since 1985 when I got my fist apartment. They've made a fortune off of me if you think the average over those 26 years has been about $40 a month, that comes to about $12,480. That's a lot for TV that is paid for by commercials anyway.
So long Comcast, you suck.... have been sucking for 26 out of my wallet.
No more, good riddens.