Saturday, May 30, 2015

Fixing A Dead LiPo Battery

This involves a Zippy 3 cell 25C Series 200mAh battery and the Turnigy Compact Charger E3.

I was using my Zippy 3 Cell battery to power my string of LEDs that I use over my work bench.
I forgot to unplug it before going home.  The next day I see the LEDs are very faint, but still on.
I disconnect my Zippy 3 Cell LiPo battery and check the voltage.  It's 7.4 V.  I think, oh well, I wasted this one.  I put it in my Turnigy Compact Charger E3 2S/3S charger.  I bought both from HobbyKing by the way.
The charger flashes the 3 red LEDs stating that the battery is dead and can't be recharged.
So I thought, well let's charge it up another way and see if it takes a charge.
First, I put the battery on an area that was immune to damage from fire in case the Zippy exploded or caught fire.  I hooked it up to my el-cheapo HY1803D DC power supply by Mastech.
I fed about the same voltage of the battery (7.4V) into the large gauge wires (the load side, not the wires that hook up to the charger.) I slowly raised the voltage with the amperage potentiometer at minimum.
I could see amperage jumping around between 1 A and 0 A.  I tried to maintain about 30 mA.  It didn't take long before I slowly raised it up to about 9 V with minimal current.  I then hooked it up to the Turnigy charger, and it started charging again.
Next day I came into the shop, and it was fully charged.

One LiPo saved.

Hopefully this article will save more LiPo's from going into the landfill.