Tuesday, September 18, 2018

SurveillanceClienth Safari Plugin Stops Working

Well, today Apple updated Safari, and the plugin SurveillanceClienth.plugin was deemed to be unsafe and now only Safari Extensions from the AppStore are preferred.
So it was disabled and no longer works.
I have not found a solution at this time, if you know of one, leave a comment below.
I will update on this later.

Update 09/23/18

Well, seems like all the available apps and programs that could work on OSX, don't.  Not for me.
I tried iDVR-Pro, iSMS, and a bunch of others.  Tried viewing the RTSP stream with VLC. Tried opening the port 80, tried most of which I exhaustively found and nothing worked.

Now I'm in Trial mode right now with Parallels and Windows 10 on my Mac.  Installed the plugin.exe and it works this way. 
So, $99 for windows and $79 for Parallels, looks like I need to buy $179 to make my DVR work on my Mac. 
Well the good thing is I now can move over Quickbooks to the mac, and remove my laptap that the Mac's keyboard has to sit on for me to work with two computers.

The End

Sunday, June 17, 2018

How To Read Business Insider and other Purposely Obscured Pages

It's annoying to come upon a page that is obscured because you are using an ad blocker.
Most of these news stories are run elsewhere and you can search for them, but that is a hassle.
To read the ad blocker obscured page, what I do is start a screen recording.
Usually these pages are readable for about 3 seconds or so.
So in the screen recording, I refresh the page and start scrolling down.
It may take one or two page refreshes to get to the bottom.
Then stop the screen recording and watch the recorded movie.
You can skim or pan the movie and it scrolls the page so you can read what was recorded.
And that is how to read an obscured web page.