Sunday, September 27, 2009

Funny how people go off the deep end.

So, I asked for a voice over person on Craigslist for a project.
They said they would "love to talk to me", then never called.
So I wrote back and this is what I wrote:

"Evidently you wouldn't 'love to talk to you', or you would have called.
Actions speak louder than words missy."

And this is what Sara Garofalo of Voice Tech wrote me:

"Actually, I don't want to deal with uneducated garbage like yourself. Clearly, you're unable to write properly (grammar). Let me correct you so next time you speak to an educated woman, you can appear at least somewhat educated. Here we go, big boy. You ready?
"Evidently, you really didn't "love to talk to me". Otherwise, you'd have called.
Actions speak louder than words, missy."

Seriously, dude, how about getting some education and getting a real job so you don't have to spend your days and nights looking for Taylor Smith sound-alikes? Why not go get at least an AS degree? $50 says you reside in a trailer park and another $50 says you're a smoker.

I mean, what kind of loser says "missy?" Clearly, you're from the south (Florida) and, clearly, I'm not. Again, how about going out and getting educated so you can get yourself a real job instead of scouring the Internet for women? I showed interest; your move should have been to invite me in for an interview. Anyone with a brain would have figured that one out. Now, do I need do draw conclusion #2 or have you caught on at this point?

On that note, as much as your big boy ego wants to reply to this email you'll never be able to do so. I have already blocked your email address. I'm sure you'll be needing some way to retaliate, so how about putting all that fury and rage into obtaining a degree? Or, if you can't handle that how about maybe just heading straight out into the work force and working for McDonald's?

Oh, and of course, big hugs and big kisses MISTER :)

Sara G."

Funny how some people get bent all out of shape when call them 'missy', hehe.

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