Saturday, July 7, 2012

Microstick II Start Up

I got the Microchip Microstick II and found some things that others may learn from as well.

I started using the Pic32MX250F128b (Microchip left the 'b' off in the parts included list, but the 'b'
version Pic32 is the 28 pin one that comes with the Microchip II).

First, using Microchip MPLAB X IDE the Microstick II was not recognized by the MPLAB (inactive connection).
I had to restart MPLAB X, and replug in the Microstick II into the USB cable.
Using OSX, the directions state a)... b) ... select Starter Kits (PKOB), and then click Apply.
I had to click on the Serial number, then 'Apply' to get it to work.

Second, the code example given must be for MPLAB 8.x as MPLAB X did not recognize that file.
So, just start a new project like it states in the MPLAB X Quick Start guide, then right click on Source Files in the tree and import the BlinkLED.c file from the MPLAB 8.x example files.
Then 'c)' should be: c) Select 'Debug Project' to download and run the project.
Not Run>Run Project.  (that must be in 8.x version).

MPLAB X will alert you that you it must disable the watchdog timer to make the program work correctly for this session, hit yes or okay and then your LED will do it's blinking thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks buddy, got me up and running with the tip about waiting to start MPLAB X before plugging in the Microstick.