Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to Install Turkish Language on your iPhone

Okay, so this took me quite a long time to find so I thought I would make it easy for any other Turkish family or American family with a Turkish relative that needs the Turkish language on their iPhone. I hope this helps.

1)Connect your iPhone to the internet by way of wifi.
2)On the home page of your iPhone go to 'Installer'.
3)You will see a list of packages to install. You will need to download a package to install it.
4)Up in the left hand corner touch 'add'. (you are adding a source)
5)Then type in the following URL > and enter.
6)You will now see the Turkish app in the list.
7)Click on it to go to it's list. You will see Türkçe Dili.
8)Install that.
9)Now go to Settings > General > Language and there it is; Turkish.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

ekeldik o adresi ama hic bisey cikmiyor. listede. bence verdigin site kapanmis